I just wanted to let you all know that this game is giving me isekai fever. I love the characters and the story is unique and intriguing. The dev has a lot of personality and I hope to keep seeing progress from him. I honestly feel in love with the game!
Hey just wanted to say love the game but I keep running into the bug where whenever I want to look at the gallery I get a white screen saying an error occurred and I can't look at the gallery. Is there anyway to fix this?
Hey Stronk, i'm sorry to bother you, but, i cant download the android version, could you give me a link? I really want to ser what's new in this update. Unless you're planning to upload a new update, so then i'll wait for this TOP TIER Art-Work that you made.
It didn't, but i think is a problem with my phone, since i could Download the last version, i will see what's happening and try to solve that. But thanks for the help man, keep the good work.
I'm enjoying this so much, i event want to thank you for creating this, is amazing!!! I read that some people find the first chapter bad or something like that, but I disagree. It has some bland moments, but in a general view i think is very good, but most importantly, is enjoyable.
The appearances you make in the game definitely add up a lot. They are funny.
Edit: So i just finished the update and realised that you know Komisari, Selebus and Runey. You know three of the people I admire the most, and I want you to know that you are one of them now. Idk if you will read this, but I want you to know that I'm happy to have known this project and to know of your existence, thank you for providing me really good moments with this vn
Anyway you can make it so the text frame doesn't cover the screen as much or make it so you can hide it cause it covers to much of the game sadly especially when there's a animated scene you can't see it cause its covered by the dark text box and the words the games great but makes it less enjoyable when you can't really see anything cause of the text box
I assume you're on android, I really need to look for a way to hide the text there as I barely have any knowledge of android ports even if they're official.
Thank you and yea sorry man legit love the game but on android the text box covers most of the screen so it sucks if you can fix it or make it less dark it be apreciated
I actually don't know why a few people were saying chapter 1 is bad. I just started playing today and it's very easy to understand. I also think the game creator did a great job and i'm looking forward to seeing how the whole story goes :)
The only thing missing here is a giant X on the game cover 'cos this game's literally full of treasures!
I constantly checked this page in hopes of it having a new version...
...and the heavens finally answered my plea ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
However, after downloading the apk, my phone would display "App not installed" everytime I tried to install it. I'm quite sure that it isn't a storage problem. I also deleted the previous version and tried to install the new one and it didn't work. Do you have an idea on what the problem may be?
I located the lock.jpg and converted it online to a PNG in order to troubleshoot the error on my own, however all the scenes are still locked after I’ve gone through a good bit of the game. Is there some requirement to unlock them in the gallery that I’m missing?
I just want to preface this comment/review with the fact that this will be very mean. I'm not intending to be mean to hurt feelings but to hopefully help inspire. The first chapter of this game sucked. it was terrible in every aspect. Story events were unexplained, characters appeared out of nowhere and they never got properly introduced to other characters, the grammar and spelling was absolutely atrocious, the characters facial expressions shifted between a black screen fade out transition that made it hard to follow, the mc and other characters got together way too quick and it never felt actually real, emotions only affected characters for a few clicks and a lot more. I'm saying this in hopes that the dev actually has/ will make plans to do a full overhaul of this chapter (preferably soon) because it got to the point where I almost couldn't keep playing, I would rather have to replay the entire game and actually learn to love and get to know the characters than deal with the current thing, stuff sucked. That was until I got to the scene at the end of ch 1, things at that point turned around and after that things are actually amazing, there are still a few quirks here and there but the quality went from bad to really good in one chapter, I also hope that if someone considering the game is reading this, get the damn game, push through ch 1 and enjoy the amazing time after.
CH1 is meant to recieve a whole remake, but to be fair it's not my priority right now, my priority is going forward, once that is done I'll be able to fully rework it
Thanks for your feedback and I'm still glad that you felt an improvement.
Just to chip in, I agree with what's being said here... however I have to note, the poor grammar and spelling continues past the first chapter. That is no better than it was in the first chapter, I highly recommend the author gets an editor because it is very bad
Not entirely sure where the story is taking me but I am in for the ride.
The transitions are definitely pure gold. Since you seem to be toying with ideas for games past this one : keep them as your signature element. Refreshing to get a laugh in between even if the story gets more serious.
Hi Dev, hope you've been well!!! Can you please tell us when the next update is going to be released.... I enjoyed playing TOU and can't wait for the next update....
That's really great news.... Looking forward to it....
I had another question in mind... Are you going to create a new game after TOU. If yes, then I'm looking forward to it. If no, then I'd like to suggest something similar yet different from one of Siren's games, "Zombies retreat". I loved that one as well.
And the way you've made TOU, I'm fairly certain that you can create something as amazing as that.
That's wonderful news bro, you'll have our support all the way. And I really wish if there was a choice to make a one time payment and use a debit card instead of a credit card option. You see, I'm not capable of a credit card and i really wanted to contribute.
Haven't played it yet but Komisari actually reccomended the game so I'm here to give it a go. Based on what everyone in the comments is saying this is sure to be good.
I don't think there has been a single visual novel i've come across that has made me so invested in the story and emotionally attatched to the characters and lore of the characters. This is one of the most well put together pieces of story i've ever read, played, whatever you want to call it. This is a pure piece of joy that needs to be experienced.
First, this novel is fantastic, the emotions that are transmitted are impressive, The hours of work you have dedicated to it are noticeable.
Second I love that you have placed the wide Putin meme, and the erotic scenes are very good, and as I said your work is simply wonderful, Too bad I can't donate to you on patreon because now I'm short on budget even though you deserve it, I'm looking forward to the next update Oh and excuse my English, I think it shows that I use a translator but this language is not my strong suit, I just hope you understand it.
this may sound dumb but my favorite thing about this novel is the fact the developer has the humor and bravery to put memes in with the smut I really hope to find more as the game progresses
Working on it, I'm really slow since I'm quite busy IRL now that the scholar year start a new, but don't worry I'm still working, I want to release it before November if anything, then try to get back on a really healthy schedule.
A note on consistency in the scenario: It's strange that only 20 years passed and in it a whole war happened, a system of slavery was established and dissolved, a species of billions lost and regained its independence in one mere generation, and then the young people say something like "We're the first generation of humans to be allowed to receive the same education as other races!" No, you're not! Their parents would still have whatever level of education they reached before the war, and the youth should be aware of that.
20 years is just incredibly short for all that to happen. For comparison, in the Star Trek universe, Cardassia occupied Bajor with little resistance and yet the occupation lasted 50 years, it took over 30 years for the infrastructure of slavery to be developed, and it took about 30 years for the Bajoran Resistance to organize and win independence back. And even that speed of events is.... compressed significantly for the sake of fiction.
The characters need a more reasonable sense of time, or the timeline for the events needs to be extended for statements like the quote above to be believable.
This is why it feels inconsistant, it's because it just straight it didn't happen, something else did.
And for that to make sense the game still needs a lot of development as it's a major plot twist that I need to flesh out proprely.
As for the sentence "We're the first generation [...]"
I'm talking about magic there, humans never knew magic before the elven "invasion".
So yeah they are the first generation to recieve the same education as other races regarding magic."
I feel like comparing my game to Star Trek is quite the overstretch, comparing an icon of science fiction to what a guy does in his room in his free time is quite a gap.
I do hear your arguments, and I definitely agree that the story isn't always consistant !
I have to say that I love the idea of the story. There is also the mystery if the war was fabricated or what else and that is truly fascinating and interesting, it made soo interested in the world u have made. A war between races where the humans lost and were made slaves is not something u see explored always.
I am still at the beginning of playing the game and the game is still in early development and so on I'm enjoying it, there were a few moments where some dialogue felt a bit off (like a bit forced/or rushed to the story), but it wasn't a big deal to me plus this is just a personal nitpick on the game(I love long character development), I still enjoy and see the story u wanna 'tell' so its cool.
To end this on a positive note I like the character design(it's anime how could I not) and how the 3D model doesn't seem weird(or brocken as on some other games) in different angles(it looks good); it's a good game and I do look forward to your final work.
[This is an opinion and I know there will be others that will disagree and that's cool.]
Konnichiwa Im really looking forward for the next update, I really love how the game is going, the story is really great! Came back after a month or so, and I'm curious if the saved will also be deleted if I delete the Main file of tales of unity named "Tales_Of_Unity-0.7.5-pc" Cause i'll be waiting for another update and is currently taking up my space. Thanks
I was just wondering when the next update (v.0.8.0) would be out? I read the recent post and I don't know if you or anyone knows for certain but I would love to know when!
I can't wait 'till the next update. Made an account just to write this comment. By the way, the scenes with you, Stronk, in it were hilarious. Listen to me my friend. I know there is nothing sexier than Putin's muscular, sweaty, sexy and beautiful body, but you MUST CONTINUE working. We have faith in you. May the power be with you. :)
Hi Lord Stronk ! I hope you'll answer that message, 'cause I definitely am a huge fan of your work. I have an incredible feeling about this story, like feeling totally as a part of it. All, the dialogue, the event, and oh my, the characters ! And your interventions in the middle of the game, golden ! So please, never stop creating games like.
Respectfully, Adrian.
P.S : More small tits please ! Like Lou's and under, I'm sure I'm not the only one who love that !
will a semi harem ending or individual ending be considered? like maybe you fool around with the others but there will eventually start being choices that show you care about a little more that would lead to a semi harem/individual ending? i know chumee is one i'd like to explore the ending of, or maybe the dwarf woman.
Hehe as long as I can have a happy romantic Harem ending and maybe the possibility of getting all of not most girls pregnant towards the end of the game like Sisterly ♥️ Lust from Runy I'm happy. :D
question... While playing this, are there consequences for doing stuff with other girls, like for example lets say I want to stick to one girl like Elise but another girl does stuff with me, like is there a jealousy thing involved or like are all the girls chill with me doing polygamy.
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You deserve more patrons. Nice game.
I just wanted to let you all know that this game is giving me isekai fever. I love the characters and the story is unique and intriguing. The dev has a lot of personality and I hope to keep seeing progress from him. I honestly feel in love with the game!
Love this game! Really hoping for the other goblin sisters to join in as well!
Hey just wanted to say love the game but I keep running into the bug where whenever I want to look at the gallery I get a white screen saying an error occurred and I can't look at the gallery. Is there anyway to fix this?
It's a known bug, fortunatly the gallery is pm empty beyond what was already there for now, but it's fixed in the coming build !
thank you!
When will you release Version 0.9 Will it be in Portuguese?
Aiming for mid February.
I don't take care of the Translations to other languages !
So you would have to ask the translator yourself
Tnx for letting us know.
Stronks cade a vesão 0.8.2 ? Quero muitoooooooo
Eu não acho que ele entenda português mano
I don't speak portugese so I just used google translate.
0.9 takes a bit of time as it concludes a chapter, with enough work, and luck it'll be before mid February !
But don't see this as a release date as my working schedule is a bit wacky
Hey Stronk, i'm sorry to bother you, but, i cant download the android version, could you give me a link? I really want to ser what's new in this update. Unless you're planning to upload a new update, so then i'll wait for this TOP TIER Art-Work that you made.
Hey there
Try that link : https://mega.nz/file/TIkHlIrQ#QGuHyjN0V_j3cyj2Qq23N9HuKn1ut4AUqjbD3WSS3OQ
Do tell me if it doesn't work
It didn't, but i think is a problem with my phone, since i could Download the last version, i will see what's happening and try to solve that. But thanks for the help man, keep the good work.
Love the art style, looking forward to new updates
I'm enjoying this so much, i event want to thank you for creating this, is amazing!!! I read that some people find the first chapter bad or something like that, but I disagree. It has some bland moments, but in a general view i think is very good, but most importantly, is enjoyable.
The appearances you make in the game definitely add up a lot. They are funny.
Edit: So i just finished the update and realised that you know Komisari, Selebus and Runey. You know three of the people I admire the most, and I want you to know that you are one of them now. Idk if you will read this, but I want you to know that I'm happy to have known this project and to know of your existence, thank you for providing me really good moments with this vn
Thanks a lot, that means a lot to me to know that you had a good time, and that I'm now part of these amazing people.
I'm really glad to count you on board for the future of the game !
Anyway you can make it so the text frame doesn't cover the screen as much or make it so you can hide it cause it covers to much of the game sadly especially when there's a animated scene you can't see it cause its covered by the dark text box and the words the games great but makes it less enjoyable when you can't really see anything cause of the text box
I assume you're on android, I really need to look for a way to hide the text there as I barely have any knowledge of android ports even if they're official.
I'll try to look into it for 0.9
Thank you and yea sorry man legit love the game but on android the text box covers most of the screen so it sucks if you can fix it or make it less dark it be apreciated
N I C E C O C K B T W .
Hair could use a bit of trimming.
But yeah, that's a pretty good C o c k.
I rate it 8/10, good job Kiddo.
I actually don't know why a few people were saying chapter 1 is bad. I just started playing today and it's very easy to understand. I also think the game creator did a great job and i'm looking forward to seeing how the whole story goes :)
Ahoy mate!
The only thing missing here is a giant X on the game cover 'cos this game's literally full of treasures!
I constantly checked this page in hopes of it having a new version...
...and the heavens finally answered my plea ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
However, after downloading the apk, my phone would display "App not installed" everytime I tried to install it. I'm quite sure that it isn't a storage problem. I also deleted the previous version and tried to install the new one and it didn't work. Do you have an idea on what the problem may be?
I was finally able to download the game but whenever I try to access the gallery, it leads to an error.
While loading <'Image' u'lock.png'>:
IOError: Couldn't find file 'lock.png'.
Hey there !
Sorry I was out for a few days for Christmas !
It's a bug that I fixed right before going on vacations, no worries !
It's mostly due to the fact that the actual lock pic is a JPG & not a PNG !
I still have this bug when I try to go to gallery on my android. Is there a version where the bug has been fixed?
Not yet, It's fixed on my version, but my version is still not uploaded, the 2nd page of Chumee's gallery has no other scene yet anyway
Ok, thanks for the fast response! I'll just wait for the newest update.
I located the lock.jpg and converted it online to a PNG in order to troubleshoot the error on my own, however all the scenes are still locked after I’ve gone through a good bit of the game. Is there some requirement to unlock them in the gallery that I’m missing?
Currently playing this lovely game and enjoyed it so far!
Btw, i wonder if i could join ToU official discord, i've scrolled down a bit but all of those links are invalid, prolly it exceeds 100 clicks
Anw, keep it up, great work there!~
Glad that you had fun !
I'll try to get you a fresh link in a bit
Thanks a lot!
Have a nice day Stronkboi 😉
I just want to preface this comment/review with the fact that this will be very mean. I'm not intending to be mean to hurt feelings but to hopefully help inspire. The first chapter of this game sucked. it was terrible in every aspect. Story events were unexplained, characters appeared out of nowhere and they never got properly introduced to other characters, the grammar and spelling was absolutely atrocious, the characters facial expressions shifted between a black screen fade out transition that made it hard to follow, the mc and other characters got together way too quick and it never felt actually real, emotions only affected characters for a few clicks and a lot more. I'm saying this in hopes that the dev actually has/ will make plans to do a full overhaul of this chapter (preferably soon) because it got to the point where I almost couldn't keep playing, I would rather have to replay the entire game and actually learn to love and get to know the characters than deal with the current thing, stuff sucked. That was until I got to the scene at the end of ch 1, things at that point turned around and after that things are actually amazing, there are still a few quirks here and there but the quality went from bad to really good in one chapter, I also hope that if someone considering the game is reading this, get the damn game, push through ch 1 and enjoy the amazing time after.
CH1 is meant to recieve a whole remake, but to be fair it's not my priority right now, my priority is going forward, once that is done I'll be able to fully rework it
Thanks for your feedback and I'm still glad that you felt an improvement.
Just to chip in, I agree with what's being said here... however I have to note, the poor grammar and spelling continues past the first chapter. That is no better than it was in the first chapter, I highly recommend the author gets an editor because it is very bad
I just love how stronk has the references and jokes to other games and memes in the middle of the story
Not entirely sure where the story is taking me but I am in for the ride.
The transitions are definitely pure gold. Since you seem to be toying with ideas for games past this one : keep them as your signature element. Refreshing to get a laugh in between even if the story gets more serious.
hey dev, saw that you have 0.8 for download on your patreon through mega but can you put it here too? all my mega downloads fail and crash my browser
That link should do the trick until I'm allowed to post bigger files on itch !
thank you much!
When will 0.8 be released
0.8 is technically already released on my patreon for free
Although it contains major bugs so right now I'm reuploading 0.8.1 and it should be uploaded here this afternoon !
Alright thank you for the information you have made a good game the story has me hooked.
Hi Dev, hope you've been well!!! Can you please tell us when the next update is going to be released.... I enjoyed playing TOU and can't wait for the next update....
Hey there !
I just finished 0.8 so you can expect it before the 24th of November 100% !
Hey Bro,
That's really great news.... Looking forward to it....
I had another question in mind... Are you going to create a new game after TOU. If yes, then I'm looking forward to it. If no, then I'd like to suggest something similar yet different from one of Siren's games, "Zombies retreat". I loved that one as well.
And the way you've made TOU, I'm fairly certain that you can create something as amazing as that.
I love making games, as slow as I am, it's my passion, writing a story down, building characters.
I already have some basis for a new game that I hope will be able to use a different engine or could be drawn who knows !
That's wonderful news bro, you'll have our support all the way. And I really wish if there was a choice to make a one time payment and use a debit card instead of a credit card option. You see, I'm not capable of a credit card and i really wanted to contribute.
Sorry for my rambling 😅
Hi Dev, hope you will release the game soon
Haven't played it yet but Komisari actually reccomended the game so I'm here to give it a go. Based on what everyone in the comments is saying this is sure to be good.
very good game, original story. you are a great programmer. I became a fan, I am very anxious to continue ...
You absolute mad lad, I definitely didn't expect a video like that about the game !
Glad that you had a good time, and I'll make sure to rely the video !
Thanks for the kind words! Keep up the good work.
Dicks out for Harambe
I don't think there has been a single visual novel i've come across that has made me so invested in the story and emotionally attatched to the characters and lore of the characters. This is one of the most well put together pieces of story i've ever read, played, whatever you want to call it. This is a pure piece of joy that needs to be experienced.
Hi stronkboi, first I have two things to say
First, this novel is fantastic, the emotions that are transmitted are impressive, The hours of work you have dedicated to it are noticeable.
Second I love that you have placed the wide Putin meme, and the erotic scenes are very good, and as I said your work is simply wonderful, Too bad I can't donate to you on patreon because now I'm short on budget even though you deserve it, I'm looking forward to the next update Oh and excuse my English, I think it shows that I use a translator but this language is not my strong suit, I just hope you understand it.
Keep doing it boy 😎👌
this may sound dumb but my favorite thing about this novel is the fact the developer has the humor and bravery to put memes in with the smut I really hope to find more as the game progresses
My boy, you're in for a treat.
I don't know if this is wrong but knowing that just make me more riled up
im im im lost for words such a nice story ma dude holy moly im impresed.
Okay i calm down im super hyped for the next up :O
Many thanks friend!
I'm really glad that you had fun, and I think you'll enjoy what's coming in the next update !
i cant wait :D
Não quero incomodar mais quando vai sair a versão v0.7.5 com a opção de legenda em português e a data de lançamento do jogo completo.
When is 8.0 going to be out?
Working on it, I'm really slow since I'm quite busy IRL now that the scholar year start a new, but don't worry I'm still working, I want to release it before November if anything, then try to get back on a really healthy schedule.
Focus on your classes, mate. Everybody understands that school should come first.
A note on consistency in the scenario: It's strange that only 20 years passed and in it a whole war happened, a system of slavery was established and dissolved, a species of billions lost and regained its independence in one mere generation, and then the young people say something like "We're the first generation of humans to be allowed to receive the same education as other races!" No, you're not! Their parents would still have whatever level of education they reached before the war, and the youth should be aware of that.
20 years is just incredibly short for all that to happen. For comparison, in the Star Trek universe, Cardassia occupied Bajor with little resistance and yet the occupation lasted 50 years, it took over 30 years for the infrastructure of slavery to be developed, and it took about 30 years for the Bajoran Resistance to organize and win independence back. And even that speed of events is.... compressed significantly for the sake of fiction.
The characters need a more reasonable sense of time, or the timeline for the events needs to be extended for statements like the quote above to be believable.
That's the thing, war never happened.
This is why it feels inconsistant, it's because it just straight it didn't happen, something else did.
And for that to make sense the game still needs a lot of development as it's a major plot twist that I need to flesh out proprely.
As for the sentence "We're the first generation [...]"
I'm talking about magic there, humans never knew magic before the elven "invasion".
So yeah they are the first generation to recieve the same education as other races regarding magic."
I feel like comparing my game to Star Trek is quite the overstretch, comparing an icon of science fiction to what a guy does in his room in his free time is quite a gap.
I do hear your arguments, and I definitely agree that the story isn't always consistant !
Hey, this game is quite the treat to me.
I have to say that I love the idea of the story. There is also the mystery if the war was fabricated or what else and that is truly fascinating and interesting, it made soo interested in the world u have made.
A war between races where the humans lost and were made slaves is not something u see explored always.
I am still at the beginning of playing the game and the game is still in early development and so on I'm enjoying it, there were a few moments where some dialogue felt a bit off (like a bit forced/or rushed to the story), but it wasn't a big deal to me plus this is just a personal nitpick on the game(I love long character development), I still enjoy and see the story u wanna 'tell' so its cool.
To end this on a positive note I like the character design(it's anime how could I not) and how the 3D model doesn't seem weird(or brocken as on some other games) in different angles(it looks good); it's a good game and I do look forward to your final work.
[This is an opinion and I know there will be others that will disagree and that's cool.]
Konnichiwa Im really looking forward for the next update, I really love how the game is going, the story is really great! Came back after a month or so, and I'm curious if the saved will also be deleted if I delete the Main file of tales of unity named "Tales_Of_Unity-0.7.5-pc" Cause i'll be waiting for another update and is currently taking up my space. Thanks
Hey, very glad that you had a good time, the saves are in an appdata file, so you can safely delete the "Tales_Of_Unity-0.7.5-pc" File !
I was just wondering when the next update (v.0.8.0) would be out? I read the recent post and I don't know if you or anyone knows for certain but I would love to know when!
Hey there, I had to delay a bit the update so for now I'm aiming at mid september, but it's purely a prediction !
Take as long as you need. This game is really great so far, and it is well worth the wait to make each update as good as you can make it.
I can't wait 'till the next update. Made an account just to write this comment. By the way, the scenes with you, Stronk, in it were hilarious. Listen to me my friend. I know there is nothing sexier than Putin's muscular, sweaty, sexy and beautiful body, but you MUST CONTINUE working. We have faith in you. May the power be with you. :)
Hi Lord Stronk ! I hope you'll answer that message, 'cause I definitely am a huge fan of your work. I have an incredible feeling about this story, like feeling totally as a part of it. All, the dialogue, the event, and oh my, the characters ! And your interventions in the middle of the game, golden ! So please, never stop creating games like.
Respectfully, Adrian.
P.S : More small tits please ! Like Lou's and under, I'm sure I'm not the only one who love that !
will a semi harem ending or individual ending be considered? like maybe you fool around with the others but there will eventually start being choices that show you care about a little more that would lead to a semi harem/individual ending? i know chumee is one i'd like to explore the ending of, or maybe the dwarf woman.
For now I planned an individual ending for each girl, and a full on blown Harem ending
Hehe as long as I can have a happy romantic Harem ending and maybe the possibility of getting all of not most girls pregnant towards the end of the game like Sisterly ♥️ Lust from Runy I'm happy. :D
question... While playing this, are there consequences for doing stuff with other girls, like for example lets say I want to stick to one girl like Elise but another girl does stuff with me, like is there a jealousy thing involved or like are all the girls chill with me doing polygamy.
An Harem ending is planned, so girls might react in different ways, but in the end they're chill about it