Здарова, Строн я играл в предыдущей версии твоей игры и скажу так: твоя игра-прохладный лимонад в жару(надеюсь ты сможешь это перевести) я рад то, что вышла новая версия! Кстати. Я сделал как ты просил в ивенте реалистичном(просто ради прикола) я действительно написал сообщение cryooo (вроде его так зовут, не помню😅)я играл только в 1 игру Teylos of unity которую я считаю самой лучшей. Спасибо что создаёшь для нас игры!
Hey Stronk I have not finished playing your game yet but I wanted to say how much I love you game it so unique compared to the other games I've played. Yours has me really engrossed and intrigued in the story and the characters. I can not only see how much of a passion project this is for you but I can feel it in the story. I also want to mention how amazingly you present your self in this story you add another element of realness to your game and it feels like i got to know you alittle bit throw you in the game with your jokes, amazing memes and your over drematic poses wich made me think that if I ever met you would be my friend. Even though you don't know me I got to know you throw this game. want to end this rant by saying this in the in the game you mentioned you often procrastinate when you not inspired so I want to say procrastinate all you want we all do it especially when we're not inspired. I don't know about everyone else who plays ToU but I'm willing to wait until your inspired again and until your done incorporating that inspiration into to game because I'm now fully invested into the success of this game.
P.s Sorry for writing you a hole ass paragraph and sorry if I dosnt make much sense I just had so much I wanted to say and didn't really know how to say it or text it rather. Wish I could know you better new loyal follower King
For now just press "Ignore", it's just the game being unable to display a "fade" effect, a Ren'py update changed the way this is processed hence why it's now an issue!
Damn bro, at least drop a devlog or something! Throw us some of those memes from your secret stash now and then so we know you’re still alive! Remember, the whole community is backing you—Gambatte! Hope everything’s okay on your end. Can’t wait to play the next release!
not following there stronk, im replying to your comment from 5 months ago ( which was october by the way) as it i scurrently end of february with march being only a cople days away. with that said when will we get .12? better yet with the time it seems to be taking are you making a big .12 update or are you throwing 2 updates into one.
no offense but i seeing a LOT of devs dragging their feet. some devs that were putting out updates every couple of weeks have started doing less while asking for more monetary support, some have even started bait and switch tactics with their support levels where you sign up pay and when you go to download the recent update early you get slapped with a notice you have to pay more.
it honestly feels like a lot of devs are dragging updates to get more money on patreon, etc. please tell me you are not one of those type of douchnozzles.
I understand your worry but I don't ask money, I'm awful at accepting gifts, and I don't like leaving the impression that I only do things out of greed.
My patreon is still up because my current income is low, too low to do much in life actually, though it is low because I REALLY slowed down my workflow.
My point being that I never hid the fact that I want to work on something I know I feel passionate about, and passion about anything in my life right now and over the last 3 years has been on very short supply, hence why updates take too long, I don't want to rely on AI to pump me a script out and to do the render posing for me, hence why the game is in this state of bubble, waiting to continue but not sure where to go.
What I can safely say is that, it can take 2 weeks like it can take 5 years, my games will get their full story and get the ending I want for them.
The only time I put a "paywall" is on Betas which are on Itch.io and Patreon, but the game itself here is free, which isn't even available for any other project than Project: Jericho
wasnt actually suggesting you were like a lot of other develpoers bud just typing thoughts in my head. i get the beta paywall qnd i even get some devs wanting to put early access behind paywalls but some of these developers are taking advantage of it, i actually WAS a supporter for one dev to get early access to updates or rather i signed up for it, after i paid for the first month i went to download the new release early only to get a pop up message stating i needed to pay more ( sorry wasnt going to bump my tier up from $30 to $50) so i cancelled and after recent issues i dont tend to monentarily support any dev ( no offense and not your fault just letting you know).
anyway, my biggest peeve is games been out for years and still not complete and end in a cliffhanger spot ( like tales of unity did LOL) and it gets frustrating, hell i have roughly 20 of such games on my 1TB game drive taking up space that are inclomplete and finished through current versions and only 2 have seen an update in the past 6-8 months.
i understand things take time and i appreciate devs work because although my first gen threadripper pc could do it i personally dont have the knowledge to create and i definatley dont have time to comprehend blender ( i tried with 3d print files once but lets just say when you open a file and there is no visual image in the software its rther hard to modify it LOL).
it's not sandbox as the story is on rails but the choices you make impact the storyline so it's not completely linear either. someone asked this question a little further down in the comments about 5 comments down which dev replied to you reading that would be advised for a more complete answer to your question
Press "Ignore" the issue is due to "fade" 's effect changing with a Ren'py update, but spamming "Ignore" allows you to just pass the few times this happens
I'm just in the middle of many changes, I'm also mentally preparing the next update as a lot of things need to evolve / change to fit my new vision, which if everything goes as plan, should be and take this with a grain of salt, in winter.
I'm pretty sure this is actually a non-linear visual novel because linear your choices don't impact really any thing only there for aesthetic reasons and you can't have different out comes with linear because it leads to the same story no matter what the good and evil choices have different outcomes you can get which is directly against what a linear visual novel is
Finished. It took like a week for me to finally set aside time to finish, but it was pretty good, say, a 7 or 8 out of 10. Only thing I'd say that needs improving is pacing, especially in the first chapter, and the length of the chapters themselves (They can just feel overly short is all). Besides that, I would say this is one of the best nsfw games I've played. In a ranking of all the nsfw games, I'd rank it in 6th place, between Maeve's Academy and World Tamer, leaning closer to the latter. I would probably rank it a bit higher if it had more time to develop characters (Which I already love them all), as I am left simply wanting to see more of them. That might move it up a tier, but the top 4 are my all-time favorites, and I'm doubt full anyone going to take one of their places (They'll just keep fighting amongst themselves, trying to out do Corrupted Kingdoms, which very well might never happen). Sorry for all the uncertainty, I'm a very indecisive person. I'm doubtful that Stork will see this, but might as well leave this here just in case.
P.S– There are A LOT of grammatical errors, which I am not going to hold against the game's over all ranking and score, as almost every nsfw game has the same problem.
Thanks a lot for the very complete critic, I'm in a very slow part of development.
And EVERY comment is read, all of them.
I will take in account everything said here for the future of the game and the potential rework of chapter 1, as I agree that it's WAY too fast and that it lacks in proper development.
I am very humbled to have my work placed that high, thanks again for your word of advice and I wish you a fine day / night depending on where you're located!
It's no problem, I just enjoy critiquing things for some reason. In all honesty, though, I'm a bit embarrassed you actually saw it. Either way, keep up the good work; you've been doing a wonderful job thus far, and I believe that you very much can continue doing so and more. I've been having a great time recently, and hope that you are as well!
While you're trying to put your life together, you might want to do some de-bug work on your game. I made it all of 5 min (PC) before the first error screen was displayed. I did what I could, but it happened over and over again.
In the end, I just deleted the game from my drive since it's (at least temporarily) abandoned. But others might like an actually playable version.
Why? There's no development happening. What need is a DevLog?
You've been complaining for a year and a half about how your life has fallen apart. By this point in time, they're just meaningless excuses. Especially if you are continuing to take money through Patreon or whatever. I would hope not, but it's not my concern.
Anyway, everybody falls on hard times. Most people just pick up the pieces and keep on keeping on. Imagine what would happen to society if everyone quit doing their job simply because their life wasn't perfect.
I know you are giving most of your time to Project Jericho, which is also one of my favorites, I still wish we could recieve a new update for this one as well.
My IRL life kinda took the step over my projects for now, thankfully I should finally move in a more "stable" workflow down the line, I'll come out with proper news soon!
Man, what good memes to emphasize HAHA, plus what a good game, the story is captivating, and your introductions of the fourth wall with the main character are very funny, it seems that you are having fun, and Putin is small forever XD, the story is brutal. It leaves you thinking and what madness is going to happen now, I look forward to the next updates
Just wanted to drop you a quick message to say that your recent devlogs caught my eye, and I gotta say, your honesty about everything you're going through is pretty darn brave.
Life has this knack for throwing curveballs, right? But the way you're tackling it head-on, man, it's impressive. Your creativity and passion shine through in Tales of Unity and Project: Jericho, and it's like a beacon of awesome in the gaming world.
And hey, about those unexpected bumps in the road? We all get it, life happens. But here's the thing – your community is right here, rooting for you. Your patrons, your followers, your fans – we're all in this with you. Your work brings joy to so many, and that's a powerful thing.
I know you're juggling a lot, and I'm not here to add to the plate. But seriously, take the time you need. Your well-being comes first, and we're all about you doing what's best for you.
Oh, and the upcoming releases? Excitement levels through the roof! Tales of Unity and Project: Jericho – man, those stories are like a rollercoaster of emotions, and I can't wait to hop on for the next ride. Any chance you could give us a little hint on when we might get to dive into the next chapter of ToU?
Anyway, just wanted to remind you that you're not alone in this journey. Your community's got your back, and we're sending all the positive vibes your way.
Take care, Stronk, and looking forward to the next adventure!
Man i have the dame errors in other games of renpy i don't know why in this Game i don't have errors but in other games like goddesses whim that gane crash a lot in the Mayu house
It seems every time it's supposed to fade to black, it encounters an issue. It gives me a screen that says an "exception has occurred." It notes the scene was the fade to black portion.
Stronk, i just want you to know that your self inserts made me laugh so hard i couldnt even focus on the rest of the game for awhile, genuinely one of my favorite creators on this site, i love the work you put into the game, and for anyone reading this in the future that doesnt have it installed, just install the game, its a great gam
So I'm not sure if its the same issue as below but I got an error pretty much as soon as Elise and Chumme met the MC. Attaching a screenshot and I have no idea on what they're talking about for fixing it as I know jack squat about messing around with stuff, so if it's something I can fix I need the "For Dummies" version.
Eh, technically all you need to do is modify every line in script containing the error it isn't really hard as it only requires to remove a few words from it.
But considering the error happens a few times at the beginning and then stops, you can just press "Ignore" everytime it pops up
Ok thanks for the reply man had almost forgotten about the game when i saw the update announcement on discord and was actually very excited as this was one of the VN's I decided to give a shot.
I didn't, I know that some people worked on a mod but, afaik a few players got a few gallery issues with it, and Idk if it got updated, not that it really needs updating, most endings will be accessible and only karma will influence it
Okay, deleted my last comment cuz I thought I missed something. But no. Error in both Android and windows. Fade black. Posting screenshot. I don't know Jack about Python ....barely learning HTML and css lol. I know, not the same things, I'm just saying lol.
Edit: so I took a wild, educated guess and switched fade and black around in the windows version...fixed...ik it's a super small thing...but not gonna lie, I'm proud of my self lmao.
Oh I just found where the issue lies, it's basically an issue with Ren'py being updated over the years, code that used to go through the net's holes no longer pass, so I had to adjust the code, thanks for the report!
what do you use to make the character models? It looks like one used in a few renpy games of itch.io and it seams pretty good. asking because im thinking about making my own renpy game.
I got a question...there are message, that explains: 1 chapter currently being reworked... khm... does it mean, that there temporarily cut scenes in the game???
'Cause i choose "intervene" in the first conflict with white-haired elf, and i dont saw nothing. I mean i just saw a little screen shake and after that, elf just walk away "with hateful face";
I don't frankly remember, you see the main points from chapter 1 are mostly remembered through decisions, I'd sadly struggle to say and tell any little detail.
From what happened after the choice, I assume that it was intended though it may need some fixing
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This game has one of the best stories i've ever seen, Please continue.
My very first Hentai game. Oh how things have changed....still, i look fondly on this game
i've played in your game earlier, it's really good, continue, bro
Здарова, Строн я играл в предыдущей версии твоей игры и скажу так: твоя игра-прохладный лимонад в жару(надеюсь ты сможешь это перевести) я рад то, что вышла новая версия! Кстати. Я сделал как ты просил в ивенте реалистичном(просто ради прикола) я действительно написал сообщение cryooo (вроде его так зовут, не помню😅)я играл только в 1 игру Teylos of unity которую я считаю самой лучшей. Спасибо что создаёшь для нас игры!
Hey Stronk I have not finished playing your game yet but I wanted to say how much I love you game it so unique compared to the other games I've played. Yours has me really engrossed and intrigued in the story and the characters. I can not only see how much of a passion project this is for you but I can feel it in the story. I also want to mention how amazingly you present your self in this story you add another element of realness to your game and it feels like i got to know you alittle bit throw you in the game with your jokes, amazing memes and your over drematic poses wich made me think that if I ever met you would be my friend. Even though you don't know me I got to know you throw this game. want to end this rant by saying this in the in the game you mentioned you often procrastinate when you not inspired so I want to say procrastinate all you want we all do it especially when we're not inspired. I don't know about everyone else who plays ToU but I'm willing to wait until your inspired again and until your done incorporating that inspiration into to game because I'm now fully invested into the success of this game.
P.s Sorry for writing you a hole ass paragraph and sorry if I dosnt make much sense I just had so much I wanted to say and didn't really know how to say it or text it rather. Wish I could know you better new loyal follower King
Heyyy so its October 16.....wheres the .12 by anychance?
Still in the works, haven't been able to progress in a while
Right after meeting the first non humans xD
One day I'll post the actual fix!
For now just press "Ignore", it's just the game being unable to display a "fade" effect, a Ren'py update changed the way this is processed hence why it's now an issue!
Damn bro, at least drop a devlog or something! Throw us some of those memes from your secret stash now and then so we know you’re still alive! Remember, the whole community is backing you—Gambatte! Hope everything’s okay on your end. Can’t wait to play the next release!
A devlog is planned with a few good news, don't worry, I haven't forgotten what I promised!
It'll be up before October, worst case scenario poke my ass tomorrow about it
not following there stronk, im replying to your comment from 5 months ago ( which was october by the way) as it i scurrently end of february with march being only a cople days away. with that said when will we get .12? better yet with the time it seems to be taking are you making a big .12 update or are you throwing 2 updates into one.
no offense but i seeing a LOT of devs dragging their feet. some devs that were putting out updates every couple of weeks have started doing less while asking for more monetary support, some have even started bait and switch tactics with their support levels where you sign up pay and when you go to download the recent update early you get slapped with a notice you have to pay more.
it honestly feels like a lot of devs are dragging updates to get more money on patreon, etc. please tell me you are not one of those type of douchnozzles.
I understand your worry but I don't ask money, I'm awful at accepting gifts, and I don't like leaving the impression that I only do things out of greed.
My patreon is still up because my current income is low, too low to do much in life actually, though it is low because I REALLY slowed down my workflow.
My point being that I never hid the fact that I want to work on something I know I feel passionate about, and passion about anything in my life right now and over the last 3 years has been on very short supply, hence why updates take too long, I don't want to rely on AI to pump me a script out and to do the render posing for me, hence why the game is in this state of bubble, waiting to continue but not sure where to go.
What I can safely say is that, it can take 2 weeks like it can take 5 years, my games will get their full story and get the ending I want for them.
The only time I put a "paywall" is on Betas which are on Itch.io and Patreon, but the game itself here is free, which isn't even available for any other project than Project: Jericho
wasnt actually suggesting you were like a lot of other develpoers bud just typing thoughts in my head. i get the beta paywall qnd i even get some devs wanting to put early access behind paywalls but some of these developers are taking advantage of it, i actually WAS a supporter for one dev to get early access to updates or rather i signed up for it, after i paid for the first month i went to download the new release early only to get a pop up message stating i needed to pay more ( sorry wasnt going to bump my tier up from $30 to $50) so i cancelled and after recent issues i dont tend to monentarily support any dev ( no offense and not your fault just letting you know).
anyway, my biggest peeve is games been out for years and still not complete and end in a cliffhanger spot ( like tales of unity did LOL) and it gets frustrating, hell i have roughly 20 of such games on my 1TB game drive taking up space that are inclomplete and finished through current versions and only 2 have seen an update in the past 6-8 months.
i understand things take time and i appreciate devs work because although my first gen threadripper pc could do it i personally dont have the knowledge to create and i definatley dont have time to comprehend blender ( i tried with 3d print files once but lets just say when you open a file and there is no visual image in the software its rther hard to modify it LOL).
Glad to hear you are doing better,
It's a linear story or it have sandbox?
it's not sandbox as the story is on rails but the choices you make impact the storyline so it's not completely linear either. someone asked this question a little further down in the comments about 5 comments down which dev replied to you reading that would be advised for a more complete answer to your question
Got it, thanks
i just keep getting error after error. can't even make it in the school.
Press "Ignore" the issue is due to "fade" 's effect changing with a Ren'py update, but spamming "Ignore" allows you to just pass the few times this happens
Sorry about that
ok, thanks!
I'm sad this game stopped receiving updates. I used to love playing this masterpiece back in the day😭. I hope the dev is ok😔.
I am!
I'm just in the middle of many changes, I'm also mentally preparing the next update as a lot of things need to evolve / change to fit my new vision, which if everything goes as plan, should be and take this with a grain of salt, in winter.
Good to know you are still here with us, I hope everything goes well.👍👍
is this game in development?
On hold for now!
on hold for like 1 year?
damn, nice game btw
Get an error right after they arrive at the school for the first time and can't get past it.
Press "Ignore" it'll stop happening after a bit, sorry about that!
Is this sandbox?
Nope it's a linear visual novel
I'm pretty sure this is actually a non-linear visual novel because linear your choices don't impact really any thing only there for aesthetic reasons and you can't have different out comes with linear because it leads to the same story no matter what the good and evil choices have different outcomes you can get which is directly against what a linear visual novel is
Oh fair point, though the game is slowly going into a more linear route as time progresses, perhaps I should add more branching path uh
Finished. It took like a week for me to finally set aside time to finish, but it was pretty good, say, a 7 or 8 out of 10. Only thing I'd say that needs improving is pacing, especially in the first chapter, and the length of the chapters themselves (They can just feel overly short is all). Besides that, I would say this is one of the best nsfw games I've played. In a ranking of all the nsfw games, I'd rank it in 6th place, between Maeve's Academy and World Tamer, leaning closer to the latter. I would probably rank it a bit higher if it had more time to develop characters (Which I already love them all), as I am left simply wanting to see more of them. That might move it up a tier, but the top 4 are my all-time favorites, and I'm doubt full anyone going to take one of their places (They'll just keep fighting amongst themselves, trying to out do Corrupted Kingdoms, which very well might never happen). Sorry for all the uncertainty, I'm a very indecisive person. I'm doubtful that Stork will see this, but might as well leave this here just in case.
P.S– There are A LOT of grammatical errors, which I am not going to hold against the game's over all ranking and score, as almost every nsfw game has the same problem.
Thanks a lot for the very complete critic, I'm in a very slow part of development.
And EVERY comment is read, all of them.
I will take in account everything said here for the future of the game and the potential rework of chapter 1, as I agree that it's WAY too fast and that it lacks in proper development.
I am very humbled to have my work placed that high, thanks again for your word of advice and I wish you a fine day / night depending on where you're located!
It's no problem, I just enjoy critiquing things for some reason. In all honesty, though, I'm a bit embarrassed you actually saw it. Either way, keep up the good work; you've been doing a wonderful job thus far, and I believe that you very much can continue doing so and more. I've been having a great time recently, and hope that you are as well!
While you're trying to put your life together, you might want to do some de-bug work on your game. I made it all of 5 min (PC) before the first error screen was displayed. I did what I could, but it happened over and over again.
In the end, I just deleted the game from my drive since it's (at least temporarily) abandoned. But others might like an actually playable version.
stronk when will you drop any updates or a download ????
I'm mostly waiting on moving out for now, IREALLY need to pull myself together and write a proper devlog
been there just takes us time to refocus and motivation at least you reply that good
Why? There's no development happening. What need is a DevLog?
You've been complaining for a year and a half about how your life has fallen apart. By this point in time, they're just meaningless excuses. Especially if you are continuing to take money through Patreon or whatever. I would hope not, but it's not my concern.
Anyway, everybody falls on hard times. Most people just pick up the pieces and keep on keeping on. Imagine what would happen to society if everyone quit doing their job simply because their life wasn't perfect.
For someone that "Deleted" the game from their hardrive, you sure went into a deep dive of my life over the last 2 years uh?
its been awhile will the game get anymore updates? i understand if your busy just wanna know if its discontinue
Still going, as I mentioned for a while I'm mostly restructuring well, my life but I'm slowly, very slowly getting back to work!
may things work out well for you! there'll alwaayys be light at the end of the tunnel!
Will there be impreg?
I know you are giving most of your time to Project Jericho, which is also one of my favorites, I still wish we could recieve a new update for this one as well.
My IRL life kinda took the step over my projects for now, thankfully I should finally move in a more "stable" workflow down the line, I'll come out with proper news soon!
That's fine brother, just take your time! I just had one more question, what software do you using for 3D modelling and animations?
Idk if I should download the game it looks good but the story/plot kinda brings it down for me
Man, what good memes to emphasize HAHA, plus what a good game, the story is captivating, and your introductions of the fourth wall with the main character are very funny, it seems that you are having fun, and Putin is small forever XD, the story is brutal. It leaves you thinking and what madness is going to happen now, I look forward to the next updates
Hey Stronk,
Just wanted to drop you a quick message to say that your recent devlogs caught my eye, and I gotta say, your honesty about everything you're going through is pretty darn brave.
Life has this knack for throwing curveballs, right? But the way you're tackling it head-on, man, it's impressive. Your creativity and passion shine through in Tales of Unity and Project: Jericho, and it's like a beacon of awesome in the gaming world.
And hey, about those unexpected bumps in the road? We all get it, life happens. But here's the thing – your community is right here, rooting for you. Your patrons, your followers, your fans – we're all in this with you. Your work brings joy to so many, and that's a powerful thing.
I know you're juggling a lot, and I'm not here to add to the plate. But seriously, take the time you need. Your well-being comes first, and we're all about you doing what's best for you.
Oh, and the upcoming releases? Excitement levels through the roof! Tales of Unity and Project: Jericho – man, those stories are like a rollercoaster of emotions, and I can't wait to hop on for the next ride. Any chance you could give us a little hint on when we might get to dive into the next chapter of ToU?
Anyway, just wanted to remind you that you're not alone in this journey. Your community's got your back, and we're sending all the positive vibes your way.
Take care, Stronk, and looking forward to the next adventure!
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 351, in script
scene black fade
Exception: Image 'black' does not accept attributes 'fade'.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "game/script.rpy", line 351, in script
scene black fade
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1542, in execute
show_imspec(self.imspec, atl=getattr(self, "atl", None))
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1371, in show_imspec
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 686, in show
if not base.find_target() and renpy.config.missing_show:
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\image.py", line 414, in find_target
self.target = target._duplicate(a)
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 397, in _duplicate
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 265, in extraneous
raise Exception("Image '{}' does not accept attributes '{}'.".format(
Exception: Image 'black' does not accept attributes 'fade'.
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
Tales_of_Unity-v0.11 0.11
Sat Dec 16 23:01:09 2023
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 383, in script
scene black fade
Exception: Image 'black' does not accept attributes 'fade'.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "game/script.rpy", line 383, in script
scene black fade
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1542, in execute
show_imspec(self.imspec, atl=getattr(self, "atl", None))
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1371, in show_imspec
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 686, in show
if not base.find_target() and renpy.config.missing_show:
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\image.py", line 414, in find_target
self.target = target._duplicate(a)
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 397, in _duplicate
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 265, in extraneous
raise Exception("Image '{}' does not accept attributes '{}'.".format(
Exception: Image 'black' does not accept attributes 'fade'.
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
Tales_of_Unity-v0.11 0.11
Sat Dec 16 23:06:46 2023
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 498, in script
scene black fade
Exception: Image 'black' does not accept attributes 'fade'.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "game/script.rpy", line 498, in script
scene black fade
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1542, in execute
show_imspec(self.imspec, atl=getattr(self, "atl", None))
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1371, in show_imspec
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 686, in show
if not base.find_target() and renpy.config.missing_show:
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\image.py", line 414, in find_target
self.target = target._duplicate(a)
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 397, in _duplicate
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 265, in extraneous
raise Exception("Image '{}' does not accept attributes '{}'.".format(
Exception: Image 'black' does not accept attributes 'fade'.
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
Tales_of_Unity-v0.11 0.11
Sat Dec 16 23:07:03 2023
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 518, in script
scene black fade
Exception: Image 'black' does not accept attributes 'fade'.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "game/script.rpy", line 518, in script
scene black fade
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1542, in execute
show_imspec(self.imspec, atl=getattr(self, "atl", None))
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1371, in show_imspec
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\exports.py", line 686, in show
if not base.find_target() and renpy.config.missing_show:
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\image.py", line 414, in find_target
self.target = target._duplicate(a)
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 397, in _duplicate
File "C:\Games\Tales_Of_Unity-0.11-pc\renpy\display\core.py", line 265, in extraneous
raise Exception("Image '{}' does not accept attributes '{}'.".format(
Exception: Image 'black' does not accept attributes 'fade'.
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
Tales_of_Unity-v0.11 0.11
Sat Dec 16 23:07:27 2023
Hi, just keep pressing ignore, it's a small bug I forgot to fix in the current build, it'll be fixed in the next!
Man i have the dame errors in other games of renpy i don't know why in this Game i don't have errors but in other games like goddesses whim that gane crash a lot in the Mayu house
Goddesses whim is peak porn games and it never crashed for me anywhere I played it 4 times
It seems every time it's supposed to fade to black, it encounters an issue. It gives me a screen that says an "exception has occurred." It notes the scene was the fade to black portion.
Hey I'm having a problem with downloading, do you think you could add a mega ddownload for mobile?
There already is one on my patreon for free
So I have it downloaded now, but everytime I press start it crashes, I have redownloaded it multiple times
It might come from you as nobody else ever reported that has an issue, which is odd
Gets to this screen and crashes Everytime
their is a error in the latest build, something about fade to black. Not working properly.
Any giantess in this game?
Go to fall of the angels by 13thsingames, has a big woman in it
Yeah, but only kiss with her at best, but still. Thank you for recommend.
I think in his next update he's going to add actual scenarios with her but not sure
Dunno if u still remember me or not.
but I m here to encourage u again,it's three months already,I Hope u recover a little.
Take well Stronk,and may GOD bless u🙏️🙏️
Stronk quisiera saber si hay alguna guía dónde pueda seguir la historia de cada chica ejemplo:
Guía del harem
Guía de Vannesa
Guía de elise
Estaría agradecido si me respondes gracias
Stronk, i just want you to know that your self inserts made me laugh so hard i couldnt even focus on the rest of the game for awhile, genuinely one of my favorite creators on this site, i love the work you put into the game, and for anyone reading this in the future that doesnt have it installed, just install the game, its a great gam
It's not working for me im on Android
What error do you get?
it just keep shutting whenever I start the game
I think is your phone but My phone Does the same but in tiene like a 20 minutes
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in goblin slayer and actual rpg games they did it right
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why are goblins always either have super big tits or are the inaccurate size?
Because it's fucking hot
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it would be hotter if they were the accurate size which is way shorter. and had giant tits.
So I'm not sure if its the same issue as below but I got an error pretty much as soon as Elise and Chumme met the MC. Attaching a screenshot and I have no idea on what they're talking about for fixing it as I know jack squat about messing around with stuff, so if it's something I can fix I need the "For Dummies" version.
Eh, technically all you need to do is modify every line in script containing the error it isn't really hard as it only requires to remove a few words from it.
But considering the error happens a few times at the beginning and then stops, you can just press "Ignore" everytime it pops up
Ok thanks for the reply man had almost forgotten about the game when i saw the update announcement on discord and was actually very excited as this was one of the VN's I decided to give a shot.
I love your VN, it's fantastic.
Just one thing: first, have you made an official walk through, and if so, where can I find it?
I just want to experience all the endings when they arrive, so a walk through would be fab.
I didn't, I know that some people worked on a mod but, afaik a few players got a few gallery issues with it, and Idk if it got updated, not that it really needs updating, most endings will be accessible and only karma will influence it
Thank you for telling me this, the completionist in new is relieved.
I've finished your latest update, I think it's fantastic, and can't wait to see how the story pans out from here.
Okay, deleted my last comment cuz I thought I missed something. But no. Error in both Android and windows. Fade black. Posting screenshot. I don't know Jack about Python ....barely learning HTML and css lol. I know, not the same things, I'm just saying lol.
Edit: so I took a wild, educated guess and switched fade and black around in the windows version...fixed...ik it's a super small thing...but not gonna lie, I'm proud of my self lmao.
Oh I just found where the issue lies, it's basically an issue with Ren'py being updated over the years, code that used to go through the net's holes no longer pass, so I had to adjust the code, thanks for the report!
No problem!
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what do you use to make the character models? It looks like one used in a few renpy games of itch.io and it seams pretty good. asking because im thinking about making my own renpy game.
Hi, I use Koikatsu
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thank you!
I got a question...there are message, that explains: 1 chapter currently being reworked... khm... does it mean, that there temporarily cut scenes in the game???
'Cause i choose "intervene" in the first conflict with white-haired elf, and i dont saw nothing. I mean i just saw a little screen shake and after that, elf just walk away "with hateful face";
then Chumee says: "oh ho, i like bold ones"
Or is that how it was originally intended?
I don't frankly remember, you see the main points from chapter 1 are mostly remembered through decisions, I'd sadly struggle to say and tell any little detail.
From what happened after the choice, I assume that it was intended though it may need some fixing