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Hey, It says part 2, does that mean part 1 is somewhere else?

Part 1 is included inside part 2!

So don't worry about it, the next update is 0.11 and it'll be out within a few days for the public!



When you take the MC into Oppai Odyssey; Oh my god, PURE AND ABSOLUTE GENIUS my friend!!


This was the very first AVN I played and I LOVED everything about it!!  I wish I were financially able to support Stronkboi monthly, but I can do a one time payment for this build to show him some support and love!!  Hope things improve for you soon!!  I love it when you randomly break the fourth wall in game by the way!!  I laugh my ass off no matter how many times I've played!!

Thanks a lot man I'm super glad you had fun!

And I hope you'll keep enjoying the coming builds!


Thanks for Everything

This is the FIRST adult VN I have ever played.actually it open the VN door for me.I really really appreciate you to make such a wonderful game

I wanna say sorry to you because I saw the comments bellow said you havesome serious problems now but I can'thelp you :(((

I can only wish u get well soon and have a happy life.and don't feel depression.coz on the other side of the planet has somebody always care about you(yeah that's me)


Thanks for the sweet and kind words friend

Please, take care of yourself and focus on your own problems people often underestimate how much kind words mean to a dev, thanks once again, and may god bless you too brother.


check his patreon he has been working on the game. But he’s been going through shit. And some support couldn’t hurt.


Evening Stronkboi how r U we are all hoping that you are alright n well some of us almost fainted when we hear U unwell so when you get better just remember that we r all in this together to the end of the galaxy.

Kind regards 



Hey Stronkboi, don't worry about late updates, your body is way more important than a few update in time. I think it's pretty clear for people to decide if they want to lose a update or a talented author. Hope you get well soon, since I know the feeling of being in debt and guilty, I can feel your pain, but at least I got to tell you, your work is great, but you're more important than it.

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Uh oh, I haven't seen the post regarding that. Hope he's okay. I was just wondering about this game too.


I saw it on his Patreon, he is under a lot of stress and seeing tharapy.


I am, ironically enough tomorrow is my second meeting with my therapist.

On a side note I've been feeling a bit better lately, though these phases tend to not last long.

I appreciate the concern from players it means a lot, really!


glad you're feeling better!

love the game but wish there were sound effect by the s3x scenes tho

(1 edit)

Hi can anyone tell me when the next update is available for Androids please I would really appreciate it 


Just finished chapter 1. Loving the game so far. I really like the concept of various fantasy races in IRL world countries.

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just finished act 1 LMAO that some of stronk dialog got me cackling.


Can you please respond ?

How long will the update takes to be released ?

Are you working on the game now or you started a new project ? 


I am still working on the game, I just took a small break to not burn out as I obviously am unable to be productive right now...

Okay take your time don't rush yourself and when the update release i will download it

do you made an another games ?

Can you tell me their names ?


I'm working on a second game, but there are no public build yet!

okay when you release the game , can you tell me ? or tell me the name or anything ? And I'm looking forward to it


It's a really great game Stronkboi!
Ton histoire est folle et j'ai vraiment hâte de voir ce que tu nous réserve pour la suite, tu fais du super taff et c'est une chance de découvrir un créateur (dans tout ce que ce terme peut avoir de grand) comme toi,

wish u the best,

a new fan of yours ;)


Merci beaucoup chef, ça touche d'avoir des fans francophone!


I love this story but why takes to long for the next update?

Life has been a bit everywhere.

All of my devlogs are free on my Patreon you can read them to get a raw ideas of how things are going


Hey everyone, this is my first time posting on here, but I have to say I do love ToU and Stronkboi. Thank you so much for creating such an amazing game, its one of the very best I have ever played on any game system. I think I've reached the end of the latest update (prepping to rescue Lou) but I'm very excited to see more content, especially (hopefully?) more Nelsie content... She looks identical to my fiancée, almost even down to the accent (my fiancée is in NE UK, I'm in the US... which sucks). Glad to see a pretty lil curvy ginger shortstack. And I've laughed so hard during this game. Its definitely kept me company during my slow and painful recovery in the last 2 weeks (compression fracture of L1 vertebrae...aka a broken back). Only about 3 months of recovery to go. Anyhoo, I hope you're doing well, Stronkboi,, and I just wanted you to know you're absolutely amazing and you have another adoring fan. 


My only complaint about this game is that i laughed too much while i was trying to shmeat it 😂😂 excellent job my good sir

I believe in you Mr. Stronkboi, You can do it!

Did 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Recreate the 'Spideys Pointing at Each Other'  Meme?

Me when Stronkboi shows up and shoves two other VN MCs that i played as in my face.


I love this game so much!!! I was curious, I am looking into developing these kinds of games, and I wanted some advice. what kind of software do you use? and what software did you use to make your characters and your amazing backgrounds?


I use Koikatsu for the characters & maps

& Ren'py for the code


You are my hero Stronkboi, I salute you for your memes


Gotta say, I love the meta humor in the game. Does "By the way, am I an NPC in Heroes Harem Guild already?" ring any bells?


hey stronkboi how far off the next update are you?


Almost ready, should be out before the end of the month!


Can't wait love tales

Time is running out Stronk. Time is of the essence.


a third of the way into the next month, sad day.

almost into the month after. Sadge.


Dios mio. 

Este es el maldito mejor juego que he jugado, me encanta todo, los personajes, la historia, las animaciones y el humor que tiene cuando el creador rompe la cuarta pared

Amigo haces un trabajo excelente, ojalá leas este comentario

Saludos desde México 🇲🇽


Forgive me for asking but is the author still working on this game? i seen that he posted he lost alot of data and that is a true shame.


I am, it just takes time to get the next version up because a lot of IRL stuff happened in 2022


I understand and appreciate your work, thank you for responding good sir.

Deleted 2 years ago

Yes, yes there are


how many

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Honestly, this is one of my favorites on this site! Everything from the artwork to the story is absolutely amazing and addictive! I sincerely hope you keep working on this piece of art! 

I'll be patiently waiting for the next update!

(Ps are part 1 and 2 in the same download?)


Hey, thanks for the kind comment, I'm glad that you had a good time

And yes everything is included don't worry, if you have part 2 part 1 is within too.


My god, this is like eating the best breakfast in the world made by your mother... You want to wake up as soon as your system smells it and run to your chair just to savor every bite of that godly breakfast, after that, you stand up and give your mum a huge smile, a kiss, and a big hug.

Where I'm going with this? Well, that's what I want to do with the dev, thank him for his hard work, hug him really hard and give him a kiss on his little precious forehead, that's how much I LOVE this game. 

Godspeed to you sir, it's thanks to your game that my sadness disappeared at least for a time and gave me the strength to carry on. PLEASE keep working on it, I'm sure that just like me thousands of others will be happier and probably saved from dark times. Much love to you and everyone involved in this project. 


Why thank you, this is incredibly humbling to read.

The main reason I became a dev was to make people feel different rows of emotions ranging from anger, to sadness, to eventual relief and joy!

And I'm glad I've managed to do just that, keep striving for your happiness brother you too deserve it, and while the sad times may never go away, joy always await somewhere in it's dark tunnel!


Dude I genuinely love your story and humor. I'm actually an aspiring Koikatsu vn maker myself and seeing how nice your game looks and moves makes me feel super inspire


That made me smile thanks friend, go knock yourself out brother, it's an interesting experience.

If I can offer a word of motivation, always do what you want to do no matter what it is and always focus on having fun.


Hey man is the mc a male or female? Also, does the game has any fight scenes?


my brother in christ, you should play 20 minutes of this game and have all doubts washed away. (yes the mc is male, yes there are fights, and finally no the will not be ntr in case you were asking.)


we don't do ntr here, ntr is a sin


I see that everywhere, I have no idea what ntr is


oh my sweet summer child


is there any sus moments?


Made me spit my drink laughing.

Elaborate "sus moment"


come on brotha i think we all know what he means by "sus"


Your acting pretty sus kino lol


I installed this game a while ago and didnt play it until yesterday but now i have 18 hours in it and i just caught up on the first run. I was actually intrigued in the story a lot. You said the pacing was fast which it mightve been but i thought it was fine and the plot twists were crazy. I also really liked the 4th wall breaking scenes and jokes so all around i really liked this game and cant wait for the next update to come out. Also feels bad about the data loss but take your time to redo it and maybe you'll catch mistakes or something. While it is disheartening to lose the datayou got it chief.


Hey !

Sorry for the late answer, I'm glad that you had a good time friend, the data loss is a small problem, but as I said I managed to get back 90% of what I lost losing only everything that came after the small beta released a while back, thankfully, with my current work schedule, the next update for ToU should be pretty beefy to make up for it !

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thats good and i cant wait


But minds needs time to adapt to changes, minds are easily manipulated.
And whom manipulates the mind, manipulates History.

Does this mean this is going to be another Mind Control game? I hate those types of games so much.


No, Tales of Unity has no mind control, atleast there is, but not in a sexual way at all.


Hi Dev,

Very sorry to hear your data loss problems. It is very disheartening. I don't program games, but I have had similar programming data losses where I must rebuild from the  previous version. It has happened more than once, even with good backups. Not trivial programs either, but thousands of lines in the control systems space, mostly in C or C++.

My only consolation is that whenever this happens, I find that the rebuild is much faster than the original build process. It is amazing what you remember from the first build and the mistakes you don't make the second time around.  Also, I have found my code is better than the first build as the overview you get in reconstruction produces an overall better outcome. But this memory won't last forever.

My recommendation is that if you move to your other project you will forget the details which would have made the rebuild easier. As frustrating as it is, I think you should rebuild ToU while the knowledge is in your head.



havent played since 2020 how many hours of new content is there


A lot though everyone is still patiently waiting for a update.


I love it! Although it is turning too much into the "Stronk show"


Sex game?



it is


Scieneroge xD


this game is so fucking good i love everything about it and i love the jimmy reference in the cutscene with valoria and stronk


Hey I'm glad that you enjoyed your time playing friend !


are you still doing monthly update?


I'm doing my best, but it's closer to Bi monthly, I've began my schedule early august, so far everything is fine

If I can keep going I'll get something out before the end of the summer, sorry for the massive delay


Hey Stronk, 

I think I can speak for us all when we say we get it but we're anxiously waiting for more. 

hope you take care of yourself before the game, can't have the game if we don't have you. good day stronk i'm eager for the future updates.

Does anyone know if it is available in Spanish?

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